Monday, June 28, 2010

Paul's Quality Backlinks - Paul & Angela's Backlink Service

Save Yourself Time And Money To Focus On Your Business!

Angela V. Edwards and Paul Johnson have teamed up to offer you this amazing link building service. We have been offering this service to only subscribers of our monthly backlink packets, and many of them have already seen their sites move up in the search engine rankings. We have now decided to open the doors to everyone, and offer four different pricing packages as well.

Don’t waste your hard earned time & energy on tedious tasks that consume most of your day, let us build your backlinks for you, so you can spend more time to focus on your business.

Not only will you get your site and keyword manually linked on High Page Rank authority sites, but you will receive a detailed report upon completion, which will have links that you can click on that will take you to the exact location of your site & anchor text links on each High Page Rank authority site.

We are proud to announce that we have 6 different link building packages ranging from 6 to 120 backlinks per month, and you now have the option to pay by invoice of monthly subscription.

Please Note: This is a first come first serve basis, so you should reserve your spot now due to the limited amount of clients we can take.

Backlink Packages

6 backlinks $12

14 backlinks $27

30 Backlinks $57

50 Backlinks $94

80 Backlinks $150

120 Backlinks $215

Note: Pricing above is for only one site and up to two keywords, contact us for custom packages.